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Mexico: Guanajuato will have a Swine Reproduction and Innovation Center

The main objective of the facility is the inclusion of small and medium-scale producers, who will have access to top quality genetics.

10 February 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Government of Guanajuato handed the facilities of the Center for Animal Reproduction and Innovation (CRIA) over to pig farmers with small and medium productive capacities.

The facility moves from traditional to modern pig farming with the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology, controlled environments, and an automated breeding and reproduction process.

The president of the Regional Livestock Union of Guanajuato Pig Farmers, José Ricardo Zaragoza Martínez, said that 60 years after the organization's founding, the state's smaller-scale producers took a historic step by copying the production model of Sonora's pig farms.

Now, he said, for the first time they have a technically advanced farm to produce enough piglets of high genetic quality, in healthy and safe conditions that will allow them to position themselves in national and international markets.

February 6, 2020/ SADER/ Mexico.

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