
México bets on renewable energies for swine farms

Between 2008 and 2010, SAGARPA has economically supported the installation of 324 bio-digesters on swine and dairy farms, as well as slaughterhouses, resulting in production savings and generating electricity equivalent to 69 giga watts per year, thus preventing the emission of over 1,4 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
3 May 2011
Between 2008 and 2010, SAGARPA has economically supported the installation of 324 bio-digesters on swine and dairy farms, as well as slaughterhouses, resulting in production savings and generating electricity equivalent to 69 giga watts per year, thus preventing the emission of over 1,4 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

President Felipe Calderón stressed that with these bio-digestion systems, organic waste is processed by swine farms for the generation of bio-gas, at the same time producing electricity that can be used by the same farms. This measure translates to savings in production costs for the farms and an important benefit for the environment.

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