
Germany – Slight increase in 2010 meat production and consumption

According to the German Federal Statistics Office, in 2010 a total of 58.350.000 pigs were slaughtered, which represents an increase of 3,6% compared to last year. The number of pigs imported, mainly from the Netherlands and Denmark, rose to 5,2 million with 9% of the total slaughtered. The capacity for production increased to 5,4 million tons, rising by 3,8% with respect to the year before.
19 May 2011
According to the German Federal Statistics Office, in 2010 a total of 58.350.000 pigs were slaughtered, which represents an increase of 3,6% compared to last year. The number of pigs imported, mainly from the Netherlands and Denmark, rose to 5,2 million with 9% of the total slaughtered. The capacity for production increased to 5,4 million tons, rising by 3,8% with respect to the year before.

With respect to meat consumption in Germany throughout 2010, there was a slight increase going from 60,5 kg to 60,7 kg per inhabitant. Of this total, the majority is pork, with 39,2 kg per capita (39,0 kg in 2009), followed by chicken (11,3 kg in 2010 vs. 11,0 kg in 2009) and beef (8,5 kg, similar to 2009).


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