
Germany – Larger concentration of slaughterhouses

The tendency towards a higher concentration of slaughterhouses in Germany has continued throughout 2010. The 10 largest German slaughterhouses had, in 2010, a 75,1% market share which represents an increase of 16,1% over the last 7 years. The 4 largest slaughterhouses have 60,1% of the market compared to the 48,4% they had 7 years ago.
29 March 2011
The tendency towards a higher concentration of slaughterhouses in Germany has continued throughout 2010. The 10 largest German slaughterhouses had, in 2010, a 75,1% market share which represents an increase of 16,1% over the last 7 years. The 4 largest slaughterhouses have 60,1% of the market compared to the 48,4% they had 7 years ago.

Tönnies continues to be the largest slaughterhouse in Germany with 24,4% of the market, followed by Vion (18,4%), Westfleisch (11,39%) and D&S (6,1%).


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