
France – Pork producers, slaughterers, and distributors request an inter-professional agreement for the indication of the origin of pork products

The main production, slaughtering and distribution associations in the country (VPF, FNP, CRP de Bretagne, Coop de France, SNIV-SNCP, FNICGV y FCD) have signed an agreement to request that pork meat, as well as pork products, contain an indication of origin, whatever that may be.
22 September 2010
The main production, slaughtering and distribution associations in the country (VPF, FNP, CRP de Bretagne, Coop de France, SNIV-SNCP, FNICGV y FCD) have signed an agreement to request that pork meat, as well as pork products, contain an indication of origin, whatever that may be.

The agreement would affect fresh and frozen meat and all derived products where pork meat makes up more than 50% of the content. The objective of the agreement is to provide more information to consumers.


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