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Global pig meat prices declined in September

According to the FAO meat price index, global pig meat prices declined in September while ovine and bovine prices increased.

13 October 2021

The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 115.5 points in September, virtually unchanged from its revised value for August and 24.1 points (26.3%) above its value in the corresponding month a year ago.

In September, international quotations for ovine meat increased further, driven by firm global demand while exportable supplies remained tight. The bovine meat price rally also continued unabated, as limited availability of cattle for slaughter in Oceania and South America weighed on global supplies. By contrast, after rising consecutively for nine months, quotations for poultry meat slipped on increased global supply volumes, while world pig meat prices also declined due to lower import demand from China and depressed internal demand, especially in Europe.

October 9, 2021/ FAO. https://www.fao.org/

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