
Evolution of pigs

Since the wild boar was domesticated 9000 years ago, its genetic make up has undergone favourable and less favourable changes. In a project financed by the European Research Council (ERC) researchers of Wageningen UR will compare the genetic characteristics of twelve pig species.
1 March 2010
Since the wild boar was domesticated 9000 years ago, its genetic make up has undergone favourable and less favourable changes. In a project financed by the European Research Council (ERC) researchers of Wageningen UR will compare the genetic characteristics of twelve pig species.

Among those the Javanese warthog, of which DNA will be extracted from old bones. This makes it possible to track which features have been receptive to change. It will gives us more insight in the evolution of pigs and at the same time creates opportunities to prevent possibly adverse features, like weakened resistance.

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