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European Union: grain harvest slightly up

Copa-Cogeca released final EU grain harvest estimates, showing a slight 1.9% production
rise, despite bad climatic conditions.

19 October 2011

According to European farmers' union Copa-Cogeca, EU grain harvest estimates showing a 1.9 percent production rise, despite bad climatic conditions. But with the EU cereals market expected to remain tight this season, Copa-Cogeca warned against EU plans to further green the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and take land out of production.

The move came after Copa-Cogeca cereals working party assessed the situation. Ian Backhouse,
Chairman of the Working Party, stressed “This years total EU cereals production is set to reach
record levels again, with production predicted to reach as much as 280 million tonnes. But in
view of the poor climatic conditions, it was difficult to obtain reliable data on the quality of the
harvest. The EU maize harvest is forecast to reach a record level, totaling 64 million tones which
is up 14.7% on last years levels”. Copa-Cogeca is also worried about more duty free imports of cereals and bioethanol from Ukraine coming into the EU which do not meet EU production requirements.

He continued “Some northern member states suffered wet conditions for harvesting this year.
Despite this, EU production is expected to match demand for the current marketing year
2011/2012. The market balance is set to be tight and stocks are likely to be lower at the end of
next year. World grain demand is still high and world stocks are predicted to continue to decline.
It is consequently crucial for EU consumers of cereals, both for food and feed, to have stable
prices and supply. It is not only grain producers who will be affected by the tight supply

Wednesday October 12, 2011/ Copa-Cogeca/European Union.

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