
European Union - CAP future: A strong majority supports Presidency

The Agriculture Council adopted the Presidency’s conclusions on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy by qualified majority, in Brussels on 17 March. The Hungarian Presidency thinks it is a remarkable success with special regard to the complex nature of the issue.
25 March 2011
The Agriculture Council adopted the Presidency’s conclusions on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy by qualified majority, in Brussels on 17 March. The Hungarian Presidency thinks it is a remarkable success with special regard to the complex nature of the issue.

Minister for Rural Development, Sándor Fazekas, chair of the Council, told the press conference that seven countries rejected the Presidency’s conclusions, and one abstained.

Mr Fazekas emphasised a part of the document whereby the CAP has to remain a common policy, with three main objectives including, sustainable food production; the sustainable management of natural resources and fight against climate change; and balanced territorial development.

Dacian Ciolos, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, described the Presidency’s document as a success and a “real added value,” at the press conference. Mr Ciolos thinks that the document contains the main proposals of the Commission and lays a “solid basis” for negotiations, with the European Parliament.


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