
European Union – Slight decrease in the European swine population

The latest available figures for the number of pigs in the European Union show a decrease of 0.7% in the EU-24. The countries that have suffered the biggest decreases are: Czech Republic (-10,4%), Sweden (-5,1%), Romania (-4,5%), Hungary (4%) and Spain (-3,8%). Countries such as Denmark (5,6%), Holland (3,2%) and Austria (2,4%) have experienced an increase in the swine population.
28 April 2010
The latest available figures for the number of pigs in the European Union show a decrease of 0.7% in the EU-24. The countries that have suffered the biggest decreases are: Czech Republic (-10,4%), Sweden (-5,1%), Romania (-4,5%), Hungary (4%) and Spain (-3,8%). Countries such as Denmark (5,6%), Holland (3,2%) and Austria (2,4%) have experienced an increase in the swine population.

The swine population in the EU-27 is estimated at 152 million animals compared to 153.082 million last year.


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