
EU - Veterinary Agreement boosts EU-Canada trade on live animals and animal products

The veterinary agreement between EU and Canada, celebrating its 10th anniversary this month, is mainly to be credited for the substantial increase of trade of live animals and animal products. The total value of EU export trade (EU-15) to Canada for the main products covered by the agreement has increased by almost 90 % – from 69 million euros per year in 1998 to 131 million euros per year in 2008. Since the EU-Canada veterinary agreement entered into force in March 1999, the increases in the value of the export trade regarded primarily live animals (+139 %), meat (+183 %), dairy products (+90 %) and fish and crustaceans (+48 %).
30 March 2009
The veterinary agreement between EU and Canada, celebrating its 10th anniversary this month, is mainly to be credited for the substantial increase of trade of live animals and animal products. The total value of EU export trade (EU-15) to Canada for the main products covered by the agreement has increased by almost 90 % – from 69 million euros per year in 1998 to 131 million euros per year in 2008. Since the EU-Canada veterinary agreement entered into force in March 1999, the increases in the value of the export trade regarded primarily live animals (+139 %), meat (+183 %), dairy products (+90 %) and fish and crustaceans (+48 %).


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