
EU - Measures reducing the risk of importing animal diseases into the EU enter into force

A regulation on the introduction into the European Union of small quantities of animal products intended for personal consumption – a measure that will help reduce the risks of importing serious animal diseases into the EU – enters into force tomorrow May 1, 2009. The regulation brings together in one legal text, the different weight limits for the quantities of products of animal origin that can be introduced into the EU by travellers or sent through the post.
4 May 2009
A regulation on the introduction into the European Union of small quantities of animal products intended for personal consumption – a measure that will help reduce the risks of importing serious animal diseases into the EU – enters into force tomorrow May 1, 2009. The regulation brings together in one legal text, the different weight limits for the quantities of products of animal origin that can be introduced into the EU by travellers or sent through the post.

The introduction of meat, milk and their products, with a few exceptions, is not permitted. Small quantities of fishery products or other products of animal origin, such as honey and snails for example, are allowed as long as they are intended for personal consumption.


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