
EU - EFSA recommends revised maximum vitamin A levels in feed for main food producing animals

EFSA’s FEEDAP Panel has adopted an opinion on the consequences for consumers of the use of vitamin A in animal feed, and recommended revised maximum levels in feed intended for the main food producing animals. It also recommended regulating complementary feeds, used in combination with other feed or forages, to avoid excessive levels of vitamin A as well as monitoring vitamin A in foods of concern such as liver, and providing suitable advice to help consumers avoid excessive intakes.
3 February 2009
EFSA’s FEEDAP Panel has adopted an opinion on the consequences for consumers of the use of vitamin A in animal feed, and recommended revised maximum levels in feed intended for the main food producing animals. It also recommended regulating complementary feeds, used in combination with other feed or forages, to avoid excessive levels of vitamin A as well as monitoring vitamin A in foods of concern such as liver, and providing suitable advice to help consumers avoid excessive intakes.


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