
EU - Cut industrial emissions further but more flexible, say MEPs

Pollutant emissions from thousands of industrial installations throughout the EU must be further reduced, but more flexibly, said the European Parliament. MEPs back a Commission proposal to update and strengthen existing rules, but inserted new provisions for introducing EU-wide emission limits, greater flexibility in granting permits, excluding small plants, and better informing the public. The resolution was adopted with 402 votes in favour, 189 against and 54 abstentions. The scope of the recast legislation (IPPC directive plus six more specific ones) correspondents more or less to the one of the current directives. It covers different industry sectors from metals, chemicals and paper to processed food, oil refineries and large-scale pig and poultry farms.
11 March 2009
Pollutant emissions from thousands of industrial installations throughout the EU must be further reduced, but more flexibly, said the European Parliament. MEPs back a Commission proposal to update and strengthen existing rules, but inserted new provisions for introducing EU-wide emission limits, greater flexibility in granting permits, excluding small plants, and better informing the public. The resolution was adopted with 402 votes in favour, 189 against and 54 abstentions.

The scope of the recast legislation (IPPC directive plus six more specific ones) correspondents more or less to the one of the current directives. It covers different industry sectors from metals, chemicals and paper to processed food, oil refineries and large-scale pig and poultry farms.


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