
EU - Commission publishes paper on the challenges for European agriculture and rural areas that result from climate pressures

The European Commission presented a White Paper laying out a European framework for action to improve Europe's resilience to climate change, emphasising the need to integrate adaptation into all key European policies and enhance co-operation at all levels of governance. Complementing the White Paper, the report "Adapting to climate change: the challenge for European agriculture and rural areas" summarises the main impacts of climate change on EU agriculture, examines adaptation needs, describes the implications for the CAP and explores possible orientations for future action. It aims at further engaging Member States and the farming community into a debate and action on adaptation needs that result from climate pressures.
3 April 2009
The European Commission presented a White Paper laying out a European framework for action to improve Europe's resilience to climate change, emphasising the need to integrate adaptation into all key European policies and enhance co-operation at all levels of governance.

Complementing the White Paper, the report "Adapting to climate change: the challenge for European agriculture and rural areas" summarises the main impacts of climate change on EU agriculture, examines adaptation needs, describes the implications for the CAP and explores possible orientations for future action. It aims at further engaging Member States and the farming community into a debate and action on adaptation needs that result from climate pressures.


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