
Denmark - Increasing Danish pork exports

The December figures from 2008 are just preliminary, but nevertheless Danish Meat Association (DMA) states that last year exports measured in volume increased by approximately 76,000 tonnes to 1.7 million tonnes. In total Denmark is the third largest exporter of pig meat, and exports bring in approximately € 4 bn. from 130 countries. It is expected that also the value of exports rose in 2008, but the financial crisis affected the last months in particular.
27 March 2009
The December figures from 2008 are just preliminary, but nevertheless Danish Meat Association (DMA) states that last year exports measured in volume increased by approximately 76,000 tonnes to 1.7 million tonnes. In total Denmark is the third largest exporter of pig meat, and exports bring in approximately € 4 bn. from 130 countries. It is expected that also the value of exports rose in 2008, but the financial crisis affected the last months in particular.


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