
Czech Republic - Meat safety stays a top priority

The 2007 data for zoonoses makes grim reading for this smallish country. In that year, there were 24,252 cases of capylobacteriosis, 17,910 cases of salmonellosis, 576 cases of yersiniosis and 51 of listeriosis, more per capita than any other EU country. However, carcase and meat contamination by salmonella is less than the European average of 10% with 5.8%.
30 March 2009
The 2007 data for zoonoses makes grim reading for this smallish country. In that year, there were 24,252 cases of capylobacteriosis, 17,910 cases of salmonellosis, 576 cases of yersiniosis and 51 of listeriosis, more per capita than any other EU country. However, carcase and meat contamination by salmonella is less than the European average of 10% with 5.8%.


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