
Cnada - $5.6 million to support innovation in agri-food sector

The governments of Canada and Quebec are launching two new programs to support innovation in the agriculture and agri-food sector under the Growing Forward bilateral agreement.
16 July 2010
The governments of Canada and Quebec are launching two new programs to support innovation in the agriculture and agri-food sector under the Growing Forward bilateral agreement.

The Innovative Agri-Food Sector Support Program (IAFSSP), with a $2.8 million budget, aims to help the Quebec agri-food sector acquire the means to be innovative, adapt to changes and open up new outlets in order to ensure its growth and profitability over the long term. From this perspective, the IAFSSP will support projects that promote the development of growth niches, dissemination of best methods or adoption of innovative techniques, technologies or procedures by farm businesses.

Furthermore, the Agricultural Innovation Marketing Support Program (AIMSP) as well as the innovation marketing orientation service offering-both of which stem from the Innovation Commercialization Centres initiative defined in the agreement and which share a $2.8 million budget-will support businesses in their efforts to market new products or procedures. For example, a funding application could be made under the AIMSP to prepare a marketing plan or conduct a feasibility or market study.

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