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China: the European pig meat exports exceed those of US

It is estimated that during this year the EU pig meat exports to UE China will exceed the Chinese imports from US.

8 July 2014

Since 2011, the percentage of pig meat imported by China from the European Union has increased constantly. In 2011, China was the greatest European pig meat importer. In 2013, the pig meat exported from the EU to China also rose, and during year 2014, according to the Customs Authorities of Shanghai, the pig meat imports from the EU represent more than 80% of the total. It is estimated that the pig meat exports from the EU to China will beat those from US.

The PEDv outbreak that affects US is also affecting severely the US market and, as a result, the pig meat production in US is the lowest in eight years.

Wednesday July 2, 2014/ MOFCOM/ China.

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