
The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association receives funding in support of five year project

CASA will use this funding for their goal of supporting the safety of Canadian farmers, their families and their workers, through the development and promotion of farm safety standards.

27 February 2014

Minister of State for Social Development, Candice Bergen, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced a five-year investment of up to $3.4 million to the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) to advance safety on Canadian farms. CASA will use this funding for their goal of supporting the safety of Canadian farmers, their families and their workers, through the development and promotion of farm safety standards.

CASA's activities also contribute to the competitiveness and profitability of farms by providing tools to help producers manage safety risks that can lead to financial loss.

This funding is provided under the Fostering Business Development stream of AgriCompetitiveness—a $114 million program under Growing Forward 2 which aims to strengthen the agriculture sector's ability to adapt and compete in Canadian and global markets.

Wednesday February 19, 2014/ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/ Canada.

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