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Brazil updates the circulation standards for products of animal origin

The new procedure will also allow the traceability of certified products of animal origin.

14 April 2014

The Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Supplies (MAPA) is carrying out the simplification of the procedures for the control of the circulation, in Brazil, of products of animal origin produced in the establishments inspected by the Federal Inspection Service. The new models of the National Health Certificate (CSN) and the Circulation Guide (GT) will be issued electronically by the Federal Inspection System through the Information Management System (Sigsif).

With the computerization of the process and its harmonization, and a higher safety in terms of inspection, the procedures for the issuing of the CSNs and the GTs will be simplified by means of the abolishing of the current continuous forms.

The new procedure will also allow the traceability of the certified products of animal origin, apart from satisfying the specific control demands of the supply chain and the requirements of the importing countries.

Wednesday April 2, 2014/ MAPA/ Brazil.

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