
Brazil – Classical swine fever: OIE final report

The outbreak concerned an extensive cattle farm with pigs for self- consumption (23 animals). The animals were destroyed on 27 September 2008. After the sanitation process, sentinels were introduced; they did not show clinical signs and were negative in the serological tests. On 26 December 2008, sentinels were slaughtered and no anatomopathological signs were detected. Quarantine measures were lifted. To date, no further outbreaks of classical swine fever have been detected in the State of Maranhao.
16 January 2009
The outbreak concerned an extensive cattle farm with pigs for self- consumption (23 animals). The animals were destroyed on 27 September 2008. After the sanitation process, sentinels were introduced; they did not show clinical signs and were negative in the serological tests. On 26 December 2008, sentinels were slaughtered and no anatomopathological signs were detected.

Quarantine measures were lifted.

To date, no further outbreaks of classical swine fever have been detected in the State of Maranhao.


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