
Austria –Increase in swine slaughter

Throughout 2010 the number of pigs slaughtered in commercial slaughterhouses reached 5,577,579 animals, which represents a slight increase of approximately 0.7% with respect to the year before, during which a total of de 5,537,389 animals were slaughtered.
15 April 2011
Throughout 2010 the number of pigs slaughtered in commercial slaughterhouses reached 5,577,579 animals, which represents a slight increase of approximately 0.7% with respect to the year before, during which a total of de 5,537,389 animals were slaughtered.

If we compare the figures from last year with those from 2005, we can see the increase in the number of animals slaughtered has gone up by approximately 6.5% going from 5.23 million in 2005 to 5.57 million in 2010.


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