
Australia - Impact on agriculture as drought lingers: ABS

Australian crop production increased in 2007-08 in comparison to the previous year, but generally remains at among the lowest levels in five years, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Drought conditions and industry adjustments have also lead to a decline in livestock, with sheep and lambs at yet another historic low. Pig numbers fell to 2.4 million, their lowest level since 1982, reflecting continued pressure on the industry from production costs and imports.
22 May 2009
Australian crop production increased in 2007-08 in comparison to the previous year, but generally remains at among the lowest levels in five years, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Drought conditions and industry adjustments have also lead to a decline in livestock, with sheep and lambs at yet another historic low.

Pig numbers fell to 2.4 million, their lowest level since 1982, reflecting continued pressure on the industry from production costs and imports.


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