Duroc, maximum profit for pig producers, slaughterhouses and the retail sector.

Danish Duroc is known for its good meat quality and high meat percentage, but did you know that with Duroc from Danish Genetics you can expect lower feed costs and rapid growth which means higher earnings in your production.

Average daily gain, birth to 30 kg (g/day): 458

Average daily gain, 30 kg to slaughter (g/day): 1252

FCR (kg/kg): 1.9

Meat percentage (%): 65.4


Danish Duroc - high meat quality and percentage

Today, Danish Duroc has a superior high feed efficiency and utilization. High growth, high meat percentage with tasty and juicy meat. With Danish Duroc you get lower feed costs, rapid growth, and high meat quality, all of which means higher earnings in your production.

The aim of the sire line, Duroc, is to maximize the profit for pig producers, slaughterhouses, and the retail chain. The animal is the obvious choice as a sire breed for the production of fattening pigs with the LY/YL sows, as the best results are achieved with this breed crossing.

Danish Duroc is part of Danish Genetics' breeding program on the sire breed side.


Danish Genetics Duroc

Danish Genetics Duroc originates from North America and has had a great influence on the Danish breeding work. The Duroc was and is known for its considerable size, robustness, and high productivity. A strong animal for agriculture's mission to create profitable and efficient production.

In the late 1970s, the first Durocs are imported, and the work to create the Danish Duroc begins. An economic perspective means that the pig is evaluated based on feed utilization and the finished product.


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