
Tonisity Adds Dr. Eisenhart to Tech Services Team

The team behind Tonisity Px™, the first isotonic protein drink for pigs, today announced Mark Eisenhart, DVM, has joined its roster as technical services veterinarian.

23 March 2018

TonisityWith more than 20 years of experience in the agriculture and animal health industries, Eisenhart demonstrates a passion for and commitment to finding solutions that help producers successfully tackle their animal health and production challenges.

“I am excited to incorporate my knowledge of swine production with the Tonisity business model,” says Eisenhart. “Tonisity Px has demonstrated impressive on-farm results, and I look forward to helping veterinarians and producers determine how it can fit into their operations to alleviate common production hurdles and ultimately advance pig performance.”

Eisenhart most recently served as CEO for Spotlight Solutions, LLC, which provides commercial strategy, marketing and sales planning and training for U.S. and global animal health industries. He also was vice president of Adayana Consulting from 2011 to 2016.

Before working as a consultant, Eisenhart built on his technical expertise with DEKALB Swine Breeders and Monsanto Company, where he served as manufacturing and technical lead on animal genetics, as well as customer operations lead for the seed and herbicide businesses. Eisenhart is a 2000 graduate of the University of Illinois executive veterinary program for swine and received his doctorate of veterinary medicine from Kansas State University in 1994.

“Mark’s extensive knowledge and dedication to advancing the livestock production industry make him a perfect addition to Tonisity,” states Gloria Basse, non-executive director for Tonisity. “We know he will excel in providing research, education and support to our product team, as well as producers and their cooperating veterinarians.”

March 22, 2018 - Tonisity

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