
Thompson's tip: AI - take care of semen in cold weather

A weak area on many pig farms, particularly in cold weather, can be where all the doses needed for the morning’s services are taken out and left by the pen.

12 January 2012

ACMC Ltd.Semen for AI on pig farms should be stored at 17ºC in temperature-controlled cabinets. AI suppliers take care to ensure that semen is in good condition on delivery.

A weak area on many pig farms, particularly in cold weather, can be where all the doses needed for the morning’s services are taken out and left by the pen, points out Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd.

Some of the doses used later may have become chilled. It is, therefore, better to only remove a few doses at a time or have a secondary insulated container to hold the doses in the service area.

12 January 2012 - ACMC Ltd

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