
Thompson’s tip: Regular worm monitoring


Worms can still be a cause of financial loss in pigs. The main species of concern are ascarids (roundworms) which, in the course of the migration through the body, damage lungs and cause coughing.

27 May 2010

Worms can still be a cause of financial loss in pigs. The main species of concern are ascarids (roundworms) which, in the course of the migration through the body, damage lungs and cause coughing.

In addition, they impede growth and worsen feed conversion rates and cause deductions through condemned livers at slaughter, says Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company ACMC Ltd.

He advises regular monitoring through a combination of slaughter checks on livers at the abattoir and dung screening of the herd to check on the efficiency of the worm control programme.


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31-May-2010sandrasandraHi Ive got 4 pigs... they are happy and healthy as far as I can see as im new to pig raising, but what do I use to Worm them? not that ive noticed any worms but because we might eat one of them at a later date I think worming would be a good idea... regards to all... Sandra in Bulgaria..
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