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The farmsUP! online photo competition

The European Project farmsUP! runs an online photo competition on agricultural entrepreneurship.

27 September 2013

FarmsUpThis is your chance to show the world your photo skills and win a weekend for two at Eumelia, an organic agro-tourism Farm & Guesthouse in Lakonia, Greece.

If you have you ever been in awe at the sight of a farmland, spent a day or night at an agro-tourist resort, tasted an organic agricultural product or witnessed the harvesting of a crop, then you would know what agricultural entrepreneurship is all about.

We are looking for photographs that show any kind of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas such as farming, traditional or organic, craft making, farm products, tourism resorts and activities, herding, cattle, sheep etc. Anything, indeed, that testifies income-making activity or product in rural areas.

The European Project farmsUP! encourages farmers to think as entrepreneurs by strengthening their skills and competencies through taking advantage of the training and educational material from 22 EU Lifelong Learning Programme projects.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the Education and Culture Directorate General and is implemented by a consortium led by Militos, Emerging Technologies and Services.


September 27, 2013 - farmsUP!

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