
Animine: CoRouge® approved in the EU

In 2014, Animine had submitted to the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) a registration dossier for the authorisation of CoRouge® in animal nutrition.

28 December 2016

Animine 1In 2014, Animine had submitted to the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) a registration dossier for the authorisation of CoRouge® in animal nutrition. The identity, the safety (for the workers, for the animals, for the consumers and for the environment) and the efficacy of this nutritional feed additive have been assessed. After two years of procedure, the scientific authority released in June 2016 a Positive Opinion for this new source of copper. On December 15 was published Regulation (EU) 2016/2261 authorising for the first time copper(I) oxide for animal nutrition. CoRouge® is a formulated product which offers the same benefits than HiZox®, a potentiated source of zinc oxide : highest metal concentrations (75%), excellent physical properties, low levels of undesirable substances, high bioavailability and animal performance. CoRouge® has been tested by renowned Universities in Europe and USA.

December 28, 2016 - Animine

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