

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo 2-2-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, 160-8330, Japan

International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirement for the Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products:

Veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) are the important tools for the maintenance of animal health and for the treatment and prevention of diseases contributing to the safety and stable supply of human food. In order to respond to the increased demand of animal products around the world, new VMPs have been continuously researched and developed. 

As global interest to animal health and animal welfare has been increased for both companion animals and food producing animals, newly developed VMPs are expected to supply these needs with their high efficacy, safety, and quality. Considering the speed of spreading new diseases across borders, it is also expected to make novel VMPs available for use speedily in many countries. 

To fulfill these global requirements, the harmonization of technical requirements for the registration of VMPs has been discussed as VICH1) activity since 1996, and more than 50 guidelines were successfully harmonized by VICH. With the desire to make high quality VMPs reached many countries in the world supported by the progress of the global logistics, the VICH activity has expanded as "VICH Outreach Forum" since 2012 promoting the awareness of VICH guidelines world-wide.

To announce these current activities and their results publicly, the 5th VICH Public Conference will take place in Tokyo, Japan on 27-29 October 2015.