
SEPOR 2011

Recinto ferial de Lorca
SEPOR 2011

The National Week of Pig Cattle, SEPOR, initiates its walking in 1968, learning in the great socio-economic importance that the pig sector has in the Region of Murcia. In the year 1999, at the request of cattle companies and companies east ample Contest to other species: bovine, goat and bovine.

Veteran within the cattle sector, SEPOR has centred her efforts in lending aid to professionals and cattle dealers, facilitating the information, preparation and commercialization. In recognition to this work, it is considered like referring within the week panorama a cattle Spanish, obtaining to locate to this region as forced point of contact.

In SEPOR they annually occur to appointment all type of Companies, Organizations, Associations and Official Organisms related to the cattle and farming sector national and international.

SEPOR, has paid always much attention to the Technical Days that are distributed during the celebration, because they are essential for the economic viability of the operations. These days attract many professionals every year which has given to the Contest a world-wide reputation. From the year 1988 Days acquire international character, taking part in SEPOR more than 300 speakers coming from 22 countries of Europe, Asia and America.

The Fairground, counts between its facilities with two pavilions for the perfectly equipped exhibition of the cattle. One exclusively dedicated for reproducers of select pig and another one for bovine, goat bovine and, as well as other two destined to the exhibition of all type of companies related to the cattle ranch, agriculture, health and environment.