
FarmulaOne: Train-the-trainer course

Best, the Netherlands
FarmulaOne: Train-the-trainer course

An effective way to train pig-farmers in your own country is by becoming a Pig Signals®-trainer yourself. This is possible by applying for a so called Train-the-trainer course which is organized in the Netherlands. In this course the trainees first learn how to focus on pigs themsleves. The train-the-trainer course has both theoretical and practical parts. The practical training, using extensive check-lists will last 5 days in which 3 different pig farms are visited to be able to experience the Pig Signals®-concept in practice. 'You only learn to swim when you get wet!!'

The content of the course will be:

  • learning how to focus in the (individual) pig and basic knowledge of behaviour, physiology and anatomy of the pig
  • understanding how to customize a basic Pig Signals®-presentation and knowing the background of this
  • knowing how to train a group of farmers
  • knowing how to organize a training
  • visiting three farms to watch for signs in the farm and finding a solution after analyzing the most important problems
  • presenting parts of the basic presentation to other participants
  • explaining other participants in the farm what they see and analyse this in concrete steps
  • become a true Pig Signals®-professional!