
28th European AI Vet Meeting

Hotel Occidental, Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain
28th European AI Vet Meeting

The AI Vets Congress is an annual congress organized by the Work Group RepVet. The Work Group consists of veterinarians from European Artificial Insemination (AI) Companies in cattle, small ruminants and pigs. The Work Group RepVet is part of EFFAB, the European branch organisation for farm animal breeding and reproduction, whose aim is to promote the interests of its members at European level (i.e. legislation).  
The AI Vets Congress is a meeting point for European technicians, experts and public and private companies involved in AI activities in livestock. Objectives of the congress are to give participants the opportunity to meet partners, colleagues and fellows and to share experiences, needs and concerns about AI in the EU and between the EU and Third Countries. In the congress, talks and workshops are oriented to those new developments and concepts that may directly or indirectly influence the daily work in your organization within the scope of the EU legislation.