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We present 333’s social network

We have already been for 17 years in this webpage, and now there are more than 47,000 professionals registered at 333. It is about time to meet each other, isn’t it? That is why are very thrilled to present you our own social network.

7 September 2015

We have already been for 17 years in the Internet, and during this time the number of users has been growing. Now there are more than 47,000 professionals registered, and it is about time that you start to meet each other. We do not want you to use 333 only for reading articles on pig production written by experts. Your knowledge is very important and it is about time to share it.


We have tried to make something very simple and intuitive so you can start to use it from the very beginning.

If you have already logged in, it is great. If not, the first thing you have to do is to log in (this is, write your user name and password in the USERS tab). If you have not signed in already, what are you waiting for?

Once you have logged in, click on your photo or alias, and you will enter the space that we have reserved for you in 333. The main novelties are:


Here you will see the novelties published by the users you follow. The new remarks you make, the articles in 333 in which you have clicked the “I like” button; the articles, markets, forum threads, and the new posts written by the authors that you follow, and the photos that you post. This webpage will be visible for all the registered users that have logged in. If they like your posts they will be able to follow you. Remember that the classified ads already have their own space.

My groups:

They can be used to speak in private with other users, and what is published here will only be seen by the group members. When you create a group, you will become its administrator and you will be the only one able to invite new members. The invited users will have to accept the invitation to enter the group. You can create as many groups as you like and invite as many members as you wish to. If at a certain time you decide to unsubscribe, the administrator will be the next member, following the invitation order. Each user may unsubscribe from a group whenever they wish to, but once a member has been invited the administrator will not be able to remove them from the group.

My favourites:

Here you will see who you follow and who follows you, you will be able to find users to follow them, and you will see the authors, markets, companies and forum threads that you follow. You will also be able to see your favourite articles (when you like an article you can tick it as a favourite and you will always have it here to gain access to it more quickly).

My photos:

You will be able to upload photos, adding remarks (for instance, an unknown disease, something that you wish to share, etc.). These photos will be visible to all the 333 users, regardless that they have logged in or not. The users that have logged in will be able to click on the “I like” button of you photo or make comments about it.

My public profile:

Here you will be able manage which of your data will be visible to the other users that have logged in. You will be able to decide if you show your name, e-mail address, country, job, upload your photo or add a brief description.

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