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Interview to PIC's global wean-to-finish manager Brian Melody


On Oct 19th and 20th, PIC held its 2014 Symposium in Xi'an City. More than 200 veterinarians and breeding experts from China, US, the Philippines and Europe, and large-scaled farm owners and pig industry media attended the meeting. During the meeting breaks, a pig333's journalist interviewed PIC's Global Wean-to-Finish Genetic Service Manager Brian Melody.

20 November 2014


PIC (Pig Improvement Company) was founded in 1962 in Britain. It is one of the first companies that initiated professional pig breeding. Now, after more than 50 years' of development, PIC has set up branches in 22 countries and operates businesses in more than 30 countries. Globally speaking, PIC has gained a 30% market share, and in US, PIC's market share is as high as 70%. PIC is now the world's largest pig breeding company.

On Oct 19th and 20th, PIC held its 2014 Symposium in Xi'an City. More than 200 veterinarians and breeding experts from China, US, the Philippines and Europe, and large-scaled farm owners and pig industry media attended the meeting. During the meeting breaks, a pig333's journalist interviewed PIC's Global Wean-to-Finish Genetic Service Manager Brian Melody.

As known, as high as 75% of the costs are incurred after weaning, and the wean-to-finish stage is an important period for pigs to exert their full genetic potential. So in PIC, Brian led a team of professionals to help their customers' pig farms during this special period. Brian recently visited several Chinese pig farms. He is excited about the fast application of technologies which have been learned recently in the West. In the interview, Brian also provides some useful advice on some management elements like temperature control, cooling (with sprinklers), feeders and drinkers setting, etc.

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15-Nov-2016 davevzIs there any data to back up using sprinklers in a finishing barn
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