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European veterinary meeting organized by IDT Biologika

A selected group of vets coming from the countries that lead the tendencies in European swine production assisted to an event organized in the German city of Wörlitz.

10 July 2014

idt_biologika.gifA selected group of vets coming from the leading countries in european swine production trends, participated in an event organized in the german city of Wörlitz. During two days a series of technical seminars about two important pathologies, post-weaning E coli and Swine Influenza, were developed. In the seminars the latest scientific publications were presented, and the attendees were offered the chance to debate with the R&D responsibles from IDT about practical recommendations of real field cases. The goal was to analyse the current situation of these pathologies in Europe, the different approaches towards them among different countries, and to suggest tools for its profitable and sustainable control. The meeting was completed with a visit to IDT Biologika facilities in Dessau, and a visit to the palace and gardens of Wörlitz, declared part of the UNESCO world heritage.


July 9, 2014 - IDT

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