
Spain - Product quality and vendors’ confidence are the aspects most valued by consumers

According to the latest results from the Food Distribution and Consumption Observatory carried out by the Spanish Minister of Agriculture (MARM), the quality of the product and vendors’ confidence are the aspects most valued by consumers when it comes to the purchase of pork meat.
3 September 2010
According to the latest results from the Food Distribution and Consumption Observatory carried out by the Spanish Minister of Agriculture (MARM), the quality of the product and vendors’ confidence are the aspects most valued by consumers when it comes to the purchase of pork meat.

As far as the typology is concerned, 81% of consumers regularly purchase white pork meat, the most common cuts being loin, pork chop, ribs, and sirloin.

On the other hand, the most worrisome aspects of pork production, for consumers as well as distributors, are the feeding and raising of the animal since this is also reflected in the taste and quality of the meat.

As far as meat quality goes, consumers pay most attention to its aspect, valuing rosy color, tenderness and leanness, but not too lean since the general opinion is that fat is what provides flavor.

Regarding Iberian pork, due to its higher price its consumption is limited with 28.8% of interviewees declaring their purchase of this kind of meat, especially loin, sirloin, and “el secreto” (latissimus dorsi).


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