
Netherlands - Production costs of pigs; Results of InterPIG in 2009

At €1.41 per kg of slaughter weight in 2009, the Netherlands' production costs are not much different from those in competing countries in Europe. Including costs of production rights, the production cost lies at €1.45 per kg, putting the Netherlands in a relatively unfavourable production cost position.
10 March 2011
At €1.41 per kg of slaughter weight in 2009, the Netherlands' production costs are not much different from those in competing countries in Europe. Including costs of production rights, the production cost lies at €1.45 per kg, putting the Netherlands in a relatively unfavourable production cost position.

On the European continent, Denmark (€49) and the Netherlands (€51) lead the pack in terms of favourable cost price per piglet. In terms of piglet production, the Netherlands and Denmark are also ahead of the rest, both with 26.7 piglets raised per sow per year.

The Dutch pig farming sector has a slightly higher than average feed price compared with Germany, Denmark and France. The overall feed conversion of Dutch pig farming is the most favourable of the entire group of countries, as a result of which the total feed costs do not differ greatly from those of the main rival countries.


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